Dementia Diagnosis and Treatments

Dementia Diagnosis and Treatments

You are visiting the BLC page because you might have received a dementia diagnosis, or you are worried about your own memory or that of someone close to you. You might feel anxious, sad, nervous and uncertain because you have so many questions or because you do not even know what questions to ask. You are not alone. 55 million worldwide are living with dementia and a new case of dementia arises somewhere in the world every 3 seconds.

Please note that the BLC guidepost does not replace the communication with your doctor or general practitioner. Taking the first step to seek a diagnosis can be scary but getting an early diagnosis helps to maximize quality of life through the benefits of available therapies.




The Bredesen Protocol

The Bredeson Protocol was developed by Dr. Dale Bredesen of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. His research has shown that a highly-individualised treatment protocol with certain similar components can produce improvements in brain functioning and cognition and even reverse cognitive decline.

The ReCODE Protocol™ aims to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Visit the Apollo Health site to learn more.

For more information, we recommend visiting the webpages of the following associations:

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