Dementia Drug Development

Dementia Drug Development

Clinical research helps medical professionals to learn more about dementia and improve health care in the future. Clinical trials are part of clinical research with the goal to determine if treatment, prevention, and behaviour approaches are safe and effective.

Before a human medicine receives a marketing authorisation all clinical trial data is being reviewed and assessed by regional authorities. In Europe, this is the Committee for Medicinal Products for Humans Use (CHMP) of the European Medicine Agency (EMA) and in the United States this is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is not always common to talk about participating in clinical research after a dementia diagnosis and many people are unaware of clinical trial opportunities.

The following infographic provides a short summary of the Clinical Research in Alzheimer's Disease. Please read the following article from the BLC founder Sabine and her colleagues about challenges in Neuroscience clinical trials.


Click here if you want more detailed information on clinical trials and the Alzheimer´s Disease drug development pipeline.

Dementia drug development is complex and very challenging and we are not able to capture all the information in great detail. Please contact us if you have any specific questions.

To find Dementia clinical trials near you visit the websites below

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