AAIC study suggests positive impact of exercise on cognitive decline in the elderly

The world’s largest and most influential dementia research conference ‘The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference’ (AAIC) took place in San Diego from 31 July - 4th of August 2022.

Over 10.000 attendees representing 98 countries joined the conference and the key themes were patient diversity, biomarkers and diagnostic methods and early prognosis for patients and subsequent education and mobilisation.

The Alzheimer Association and AAIC encourage and support a diverse treatment pipeline, including both drug and non-drug strategies and BLC was very happy to read the positive results from the EXERT study.

EXERT is the longest ever Phase 3 study of exercise in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). 80% of study participants complied with their exercise regimen and completed the study despite lockdown and isolations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After 12 months, study participants with MCI in both the aerobic exercise intervention arm and stretching arm showed no cognitive decline whereas the comparison group did. Reference.

BLC is monitoring the dementia research towards a future of effective combination therapies for dementia treatment and risk reduction. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date.

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