Breathing practices for the central nervous system

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear colorless fluid bathing the central nervous system (CNS). It protects the CNS and distributes nutrients and hormones, and along with interstitial fluid (ISF, the fluid found in the spaces around cells) helps the CNS system to remove metabolic waste from its environment by movement. Removal of waste products from the brain is of high importance for Alzheimer's and other diseases of the nervous system. CSF movement is driven by pressure changes in the CNS vascular system due to cardiac pulsation (~ 1 Hz) and respiration (0.1–0.3 Hz) and is influenced by transient effects such as coughing and body posture.

Recent research observed slower and larger CSF velocity waveforms during yogic breathing practices compared to spontaneous breathing. The authors hypothesize that increased pulsatile CSF dynamics via sustained yogic breathing training may also have potential to aid in the brain’s waste clearance system.

Next time when you feel uneasy focus on your breathing 🫁🧘🏻‍♀️💜. Use the contact form if you would like more information on mindfulness exercises and breathing.

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