The Sea Cow Community

The Sea Cow Community

The Sea Cows is a group of like-minded people who adopted a healthy lifestyle to prevent Dementia. The community was naturally formed after Tanya, a Business Analyst, read a BBC news article about the health benefits of cold-water swimming and how it may protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases like Dementia. Tanya reached out to her neighbours and asked if they would be interested to join her for regular plunging in the Atlantic which was the beginning of the Sea Cows.

Today the Sea Cow community is much more than just plunging. Angella, a retired nurse and Sea Cow member describes the benefits as follows:

I love that we support and accept each other. There is no concept of age when we are together. There is a lot of listening and withholding judgement, and emotionally connecting and communicating that makes me feel like I am not alone”.


Watch the video about the Sea Cows on our YouTube channel.

Plunging at Creiro Beach in the Arrábida Natural Park

Yoga with Tatiana

Tatiana who is also a Sea Cow member, is a professional translator and she loves to get outside of her comfort zone. She says Yoga is TAPAS (efforts, hard work, inner fire and enthusiasm) which is not always pleasant, but it brings you to the next level.

Healthy Cooking class at AZ Cook Studio

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